For a harmonious figure you need not only a diet, you need to choose the most effective exercises for losing weight. However, remember that it is very important to take them in a balanced way to gauge the real possibilities. Sometimes the simplest exercises for weight loss give the best result, if only because it is easier for a person to learn how to do them correctly. Much depends on what kind of lifestyle a person leads in general. At the same time, diet and exercises for weight loss will achieve the maximum effect. However, a strict diet and strength training are incompatible, which already entails limitations and forces to look for other methods. Consider what exercises to do to lose weight in one case or another.

Exercises for beginners
Experts recommend choosing simple complexes for every day, especially if a person does not have special physical fitness. Why not make things harder? Because tasks that are too complex reduce the motivation for further exercise, not to mention that muscles that are not used to such loads can become inflamed and painful.
A lot depends on how much time is devoted to exercise each day. If going to the gym doesn't work at all, you can also do the exercises in the office. Such movements for weight loss can be performed by a beginner. And some can even be done unnoticed by others. For example, you can strongly pull in your stomach (to strengthen the abdominal muscles), you can regularly strain your buttocks without even getting up from the table. What other exercises can be done in the office? Even small squats are considered effective enough (it is enough to do 10-15 times every two hours). Some experts believe that bending and sipping (with effort) should be done. After that, you can gently massage your neck to increase blood flow. Of course, when the authorities look condescendingly at such workplace weight loss exercise kits.
Similar exercises can be done at home. In addition, in this case, daily exercises for weight loss can be performed on a large ball - fitball. In this case, it plays the same role as an office chair that you can rely on. With it, you can perform both evening and morning exercises for weight loss, allocating about 20 minutes to them. Over time, you can increase their duration to half an hour, estimating the interval between them and the meal to be at least an hour. Every time these physical exercises for weight loss need to be completed with stretching - stretching. It is also performed while sitting on a fitball, maintaining proper posture and slightly tilting the body in different directions.
Even in such a shortened form, such weight loss exercises can lose 1 kg in a week, provided the diet is right.
Strength exercises for weight loss: plank with modifications
There are different methods to lose excess weight. However, it's unlikely that anything can compare to strength training in terms of effectiveness. These are exercises for losing weight fast. They are performed with additional shells. Although there are some exercises that do not require anything else. For example, this is a classic floorboard. This is the name of the universal static exercise. It is suitable for those who for some reason cannot go to the gym regularly, but want to lose weight. The plank has two advantages - it doesn't take much time and it's a very effective exercise.
Why does she offer weight loss? Because all muscles work during the transfer, although the greatest load may fall on the abdominal muscles and buttocks. First, fat accumulations leave the lower abdomen, and only then the waist begins to decrease, since the lateral muscles are also involved. In order to get the best results, it is necessary to suck in the abdomen during the exercises.
The work of the glutes is also important. This way you can get rid of cellulite and tighten the shape well. Yes, and leg muscles affect almost everything from calves to thighs, so legs get slimmer too. And finally, although this exercise will not contribute to weight loss in the hands, but the flabbiness will disappear and they will look more attractive.
The classic version of the plank looks like this: stand in a lying position (on a hard surface or a yoga mat, reference points are socks and elbows), then you need to lean on your forearms, while your head should be in line with the spine, but you don't have to look up, you need to look down. It is important to monitor the position of the back so that it is straight and the lower back is not arched. The legs should also remain straight. Additionally, the closer the feet are moved, the more difficult it becomes to execute, increasing efficiency. Here in such a tense position (and the abdominal muscles should also be tense) you need to stay for a certain time - at first at this moment the body trembles from overexertion.
This exercise must be done every day. It is recommended to start with 20-30 seconds depending on your physical fitness. Gradually you need to increase the duration of the exercise. Over time, you can get up to 120 seconds. And you can change the exercise. To do this, from this position, without helping yourself with your feet, walk around the room three times.
The best exercises for losing weight are performed with dumbbells, i. e. with weights. This can be the already mentioned bar, only in this case the hands rest on the floor without letting go of the dumbbells. Since such a workout seems easier every day, it is possible to complicate it, alternately raising your arms with dumbbells, bending them at the elbow and dwelling in this position for 2 seconds. Basically all these exercises for weight loss of the whole body. And how to get rid of "accumulations" in a problem area?
What should be done to lose weight calves?
It happens that with a sufficiently toned figure, the legs look plump due to full calves. In such cases, weight loss exercises should not be strength, since in this case the legs will be over-pumping, while not looking slim, not to mention the fact that unwanted imbalances may appear. In addition, such courses should include general exercises for weight loss. Then the training will be harmonious. In this sense, many yoga asanas are very useful. They generally increase the elasticity of the muscles, strengthen the back and make the legs slimmer.
If the usual exercises for weight loss are performed at an intense pace, then a gentler option for the calves is chosen. Several approaches are made with certain breaks so that there are no spasms and other undesirable consequences. As an additional piece of sports equipment, you can use the already mentioned fitball or step platform, which at home can be replaced with a stable small bench.
Stretching is an important exercise - a classic step forward, hands resting on the buttocks, the leg is slowly bent, and the other leg rests firmly on the floor. You stay in this position for 30 seconds and then switch legs. No less useful is the classic "bicycle, " which is lying on your back with your legs bent, mimicking motions like riding a bicycle. Make sure to pull your socks towards youPlacing legs in different ways, straight and diagonal, to engage more muscles while exercising your foot, this improves circulation.
Regular walking in place and squats can also be incorporated into such a home exercise program. Over time, it takes not 20 minutes, but half an hour, but this will help to constantly keep in shape, improve blood circulation and avoid varicose veins, not to mention slimming the legs, which in itself is a pleasant result.